Non root installation of Sametime 9 Proxy server

In the wiki, it states that you need to install using root. I do not know why this is, since both Installation Manager and WebSphere Application Server can be installed as non-root .


Warning : I’m using CentOS 6.5 - which is not supported by IBM. This means none of this is supported as such .

To be able to use scp and ssh, install openssh-clients as well on the server:

yum install openssh-clients  
yum install xorg-x11-xauth  
yum install xorg-x11-apps  
yum install xorg-x11-utils  
yum install xorg-x11-font\*  
yum install wget  
yum install libcanberra-gtk2  

Make sure you installed :

Create the OS user you want to run the environment with .

[root@stssc ~]# groupadd -r was
[root@stssc ~]# useradd -r -g was -m was
[root@stssc ~]# echo passw0rd | passwd was --stdin  
Changing password for user was.  
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.  

Install Installation Manager

Extract the installer to a directory of your choice an go to that directory.

This is an installation as a non-administrator user, so as the was user we created earlier. In addition, this is the console installation.

[root@stssc]$ su - was  
[was@stssc ~]$ cd /mnt/hgfs/hostroot/local/Downloads/IBM/Sametime/90/InstalMgr1.6.2_LNX_X86_64_WAS_8.5.5/  
[was@stssc InstalMgr1.6.2_LNX_X86_64_WAS_8.5.5]$ ./userinstc -acceptLicense

Installed to the /home/was/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse directory.  

Log files are in the user’s home directory, in this case :


Start Installation manager to make sure it works :

[was@stssc ~]$ cd /home/was/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/  
[was@stssc eclipse]$ ./IBMIM  

Install WAS ND 8.5.5

Extract the installation files, and combine into a single directory. This means moving the disk2 and disk3 directories into the first directory extracted.

Prepare a responsefile

This is the responsefile for a non-root installation :

It should contain your repository location, and the features to install. The rest is optional.

You need to install the full WAS profile, with the 64 bit SDK and ejbdeploy. Do not select liberty.

Prepare the installation directory

Create the directory /opt/IBM/ that is writeable as the user “was”. As root :

[root@stssc opt]# mkdir /opt/IBM  
[root@stssc opt]# chown was:was /opt/IBM  

Install WebSphere 8.5.5

Run the installer with reference to the response file (as the user “was”)

su - was  
cd /home/was/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse  
./IBMIM --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input /mnt/hgfs/hostroot/local/Doc/INSTALL/sametime9/WASv85.nd.install.xml -log /tmp/wasinstall.log -acceptLicense -showVerboseProgress  

or, with a keyring for authentication :

su - was  
[was@stssc eclipse]$ ./IBMIM --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input /mnt/hgfs/hostroot/local/Doc/INSTALL/sametime9/WASv85.nd.install.xml -log /tmp/wasinstall.log -acceptLicense -showVerboseProgress -keyring /home/was/imkeyring.kyr -password passw0rd  

Verify the log files in the Installation Manager’s log directory for errors.

Install the Sametime Proxy Server

Install the Hot Fix 1 version of the Sametime Proxy Server without installing the version 9.0 server first. The updated version of the Sametime Proxy Server installs with the same procedure as the version 9.0 server, except that you will point to the repository provided with the Hot Fix 1 package.

This is the latest fixpack at the time of writing :


Extract the Sametime Proxy Server file from the 9.0.1 hotfix (

Create Proxy database

On the DB2® server, log in as the DB2 administrator (db2inst1) .

Go to the DatabaseScripts/ProxyServer directory in the extracted directory and run the createDb scripts :

[root@stssc ~]# su - db2inst1  
[db2inst1@stssc ~]$ cd /mnt/hgfs/hostroot/local/Downloads/IBM/Sametime/90_fixes/SametimeProxyServer/DatabaseScripts/ProxyServer/  
[db2inst1@stssc ProxyServer]$ ./ STPROXY db2inst1  
e CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.  
e UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command completed successfully.  
e UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command completed successfully.  
Database Connection Information  
Database server 
= DB2/LINUXX8664 10.1.0  
 SQL authorization ID 
= DB2INST1  
 Local database alias 
 *** skipping granting privileges to self  
The SQL DISCONNECT command completed successfully.  

List the databases. You should have at least 2 (the System Console database and the newly created Proxy database).

[db2inst1@stssc ProxyServer]$ db2 list db directory  
System Database Directory  
Number of entries in the directory = 3  
Database 1 entry:  
Database alias = STPROXY  
Database name = STPROXY  
Local database directory  = /home/db2inst1  
Database release level = f.00  
Comment =  
Directory entry type = Indirect  
Catalog database partition number = 0  
Alternate server hostname =  
Alternate server port number =  

Database 2 entry:  
Database alias = STSC  
Database name = STSC  
Local database directory  = /home/db2inst1  
Database release level  = f.00  
Comment =  
Directory entry type = Indirect  
Catalog database partition number = 0  
Alternate server hostname =  
Alternate server port number  =  

Log out of the database server.

Connect the System Console to the Proxy database

The Sametime system console needs to know about the newly created database.

Open the Sametime System Console , on https://sametimeconsole:8701/ibm/console

Log in with the WebSphere Administrator, in my case named dmgrwasadmin (in the installation of the System Console Installation of the Sametime System Console

Navigate to Sametime System Console/Sametime Prerequisites/Connect to Database

Select “Add”
Image:Installation Sametime 9 on Linux : the Sametime Proxy
Enter the details of the DB2 database you created earlier.
Click “Finish”

You should now have at least 2 configured databases .

Generate passwords

You need to export the variable below , because we’re at a non-standard location with our installation manager.

[was@stssc generateEncodedPassword]$ export IM_INSTALL_LOCATION=/home/was/IBM/InstallationManager
[was@stssc generateEncodedPassword]$ ./ passw0rd  

Prepare responsefile

This is my responsefile to install a Meeting Server using the Sametime System Console , for a non-root install :


The repository points to the extracted Proxy files , from the latest fixpack.

Create deployment plan

Open the Sametime System Console , on https://sametimeconsole:8701/ibm/console

Log in with the WebSphere Administrator, in my case named dmgrwasadmin (in the installation of the System Console Installation of the Sametime System Console)

Navigate to Sametime System Console/Sametime Guided Activities/Install Sametime Proxy Server.

Select “New Deployment Plan”

Name it (must match with what you put in the responsefile - in this case STProxy1 )

Select the version

Select the type. I need a “Primary Node” - this will put the Proxy server into the Cell I already have (the Cell created when installing the Sametime system console)

Select the Deployment Manager

Enter the hostname of your system where you want the Proxy server installed. As userid, use something that’s unique. This userid will never be actually used since the Meeting server will be federated to the Cell during installation and you will manage it from the SSC.

Connect to the Community server (select the correct one, in my case, STCommunity32)

Select the STProxy database.
Image:Installation Sametime 9 on Linux : the Sametime Proxy
This is the summary. The Profile name still can’t be modified nor can the Node name.


Install the Proxy server using these commands (as the user “was”) :

[was@stssc opt]$ cd /home/was/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools  
[was@stmeetings tools]$ ./imcl -acceptLicense -showProgress -input /mnt/hgfs/hostroot/local/Doc/INSTALL/sametime9/proxy/IP_ssc.rsp -log /tmp/proxy.log 
.............................job InstallJob in IBM® Sametime® Server Platform; features: CEMain,nossc,ssc  
entered verifyWASversion  
size :18  
pre upgrade check  
job InstallJob in IBM® Sametime® Server Platform; features: CEMain,nossc,ssc  
job InstallJob in IBM® Sametime® Server Platform; features: CEMain,nossc,ssc  
relativeUrlFormat : /console/deployment/depNamelist?DepName=param0&ProductType=param1  
relativeUrlFormat : /console/deployment?DepId=param0  
relativeUrlFormat : /console/deployment?DepId=param0  
Checking Operating System  
Operating System check completed  
Checking Operating System  
Operating System check completed  
job InstallJob in IBM® Sametime® Server Platform; features: CEMain,nossc,ssc  
.job InstallJob in IBM® Sametime® Server Platform; features: CEMain,nossc,ssc  
entered verifyWASversion  
size :18  
pre upgrade check  
job InstallJob in IBM® Sametime® Server Platform; features: CEMain,nossc,ssc  
before getting connection helper  
Jan 20, 2014 11:29:09 AM null null  
Jan 20, 2014 11:29:09 AM null null  
WARNING: Could not find tmx4jTransform.jar in null/etc/tmx4jTransform.jar - Interoperability to older versions of WebSphere is disabled  
Jan 20, 2014 11:29:09 AM null null  
INFO: ssl.disable.url.hostname.verification.CWPKI0027I  
Jan 20, 2014 11:29:09 AM null null  
INFO: Client code attempting to load security configuration  
Jan 20, 2014 11:29:09 AM null null  
INFO: Client code attempting to load security configuration  
after getting connection helper  
in isRemoteMbeanAvailable  
Jan 20, 2014 11:29:09 AM isRemoteServerTimeSynched  
INFO: Comparing system clocks...  
Jan 20, 2014 11:29:09 AM isRemoteServerTimeSynched  
INFO: System time on deployment manager: 1390213749943  
Jan 20, 2014 11:29:09 AM isRemoteServerTimeSynched  
INFO: System time on node: 1390213749640  
relativeUrlFormat : /console/deployment?DepId=param0  
SSC is avaialble for Federation.  
Federation lock acquired on SSC Dmgr.  
Installed to the /opt/IBM/SametimeServer directory.

You can start he proxy server now, however you won’t be able to login yet.

Configure the Community server

Single Sign on

Trusted IP

You need to add the Proxy server’s IP address to the Trusted IP list of the Community Server :

Use the Sametime System Console, go to Sametime Servers/Community Servers and open your Community Server.

Add the IP Address of the Sametime Proxy (and Meeting) to the Trusted Servers list.

Image:Installation Sametime 9 on Linux : the Sametime Proxy
Click “OK” to save the change and restart the Community Server.

Configure the Proxy server

Sametime Proxy and Meeting Server on the same host

You need separate IP Addresses (and separate hostnames) for your Proxy and Meeting Server if you install them on the same node. I was actually assuming it would work in Sametime 9 with the same hostname, so I tried it out first so you don’t have to (it didn’t work in previous versions).

If you don’t, you won’t be able to have online awareness using the ST Proxy in your Meetings, as is shown in the picture below (this is what you will have if everything works).

Image:Installation Sametime 9 on Linux : the Sametime Proxy

Virtual Host

Create Virtual host entries

Create a new virtual host (Environment/Virtual hosts) for your Proxy server.
Image:Installation Sametime 9 on Linux : the Sametime Proxy
Enter the host aliases (under Additional Properties)

You need at least these 2 (the WC_defaulthost and WC_defaulthost_secure port entries in the STProxyServer). The actual values of the ports may be different in your case.

hostname default value example value (in my case) 9080 or 80 9081 9443 or 443 9444

Save the changes.

Assign Virtual host to the Proxy Application

Assign the Virtual host to the SametimeProxy application (under Applications/All Applications).
Image:Installation Sametime 9 on Linux : the Sametime Proxy

Under Web Module Properties, click “Virtual Hosts”
Image:Installation Sametime 9 on Linux : the Sametime Proxy
Change them all to the virtual host you just created.
Save the changes, sync the changes (or wait a bit).

Restart the Proxy server


To avoid SessionID conflicts if you use the same host for your Meeting Server and your Proxy server, you can change the name of the JSESSIONID cookies.

This is only necessary if you’re going to put a Reverse Proxy in front of the solution, that will create an accesspath with a single hostname to the environment (eg. WebSeal with transparent path junctions). This needs to be validated.

Go to the STProxy Server, select Session Management , click on “Enable Cookies” and rename the Cookie.

Image:Installation Sametime 9 on Linux : the Sametime Proxy

Save the change and restart the Proxy server (after the change syncs).