Non root installation of Sametime 9 In the wiki, it states that you need to install using root. I do not know why this is.


Warning : I’m using CentOS 6.5 - which is not supported by IBM. This means none of this is supported as such .

To be able to use scp and ssh, install openssh-clients as well on the server:

yum install openssh-clients  
yum install xorg-x11-xauth  
yum install xorg-x11-apps  
yum install xorg-x11-utils  
yum install libcanberra-gtk2  
yum install xorg-x11-font\*  

Edit the selinux configuration.

vi /etc/selinux/config  

Make sure you installed DB2 V10.1 (as per this blog post : install-db2-v10.1.htm

Create the user you want to run the environment with .

groupadd -r was  
useradd -r -g was -m was  
echo passw0rd | passwd was --stdin  
Changing password for user was.  
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.  

Create Sametime databases.

Log in as the db2inst1 owner :

su - db2inst1  

Do not use the 9.0 Database scripts , but instead use the ones in the hotfix file (
Extract it to the directory of your choice , and go to that directory

[db2inst1@stssc SystemConsole]$ cd /mnt/hgfs/hostroot/local/Downloads/IBM/Sametime/90_fixes/SametimeSystemConsole/DatabaseScripts/SystemConsole  

Run the create database scripts (make it executable first)

[db2inst1@stssc SystemConsole]$ chmod 775  
[db2inst1@stssc SystemConsole]$ ./ STSC db2inst1

Verify you can connect to the database :

[db2inst1@stssc SystemConsole]$ db2 connect to STSC  
Database Connection Information  

Database server    = DB2/LINUXX8664 10.1.0  
SQL authorization ID  = DB2INST1  
Local database alias  = STSC

Log out.

Install Installation Manager

Extract the installer to a directory of your choice and go to that directory.

This is an installation as a non-administrator user, so as the was user we created earlier. In addition, this is the console installation.

[root@stssc]$ su - was  
[was@stssc ~]$ cd /mnt/hgfs/hostroot/local/Downloads/IBM/Sametime/90/InstalMgr1.6.2_LNX_X86_64_WAS_8.5.5/  
[was@stssc InstalMgr1.6.2_LNX_X86_64_WAS_8.5.5]$ ./userinstc -acceptLicense  

Log files are in the user’s home directory, in this case :


Start Installation manager to make sure it works :

[was@stssc ~]$ cd /home/was/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/  
[was@stssc eclipse]$ ./IBMIM  

Install WAS ND 8.5.5

Extract the installation files, and combine into a single directory. This means moving the disk2 and disk3 directories into the first directory extracted.

Prepare a responsefile

This is the responsefile for a non-root installation :

It should contain your repository location, and the features to install. The rest is optional.

You need to install the full WAS profile, with the 64 bit SDK and ejbdeploy. Do not select liberty.

Prepare the installation directory

Create the directory /opt/IBM/ that is writeable as the user “was”. As root :

[root@stssc opt]# mkdir /opt/IBM  
[root@stssc opt]# chown was:was /opt/IBM  

Install WebSphere 8.5.5

Run the installer with reference to the response file (as the user “was”)

su - was  
cd /home/was/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse  
./IBMIM --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input /mnt/hgfs/hostroot/local/Doc/INSTALL/sametime9/WASv85.nd.install.xml -log /tmp/wasinstall.log -acceptLicense -showVerboseProgress  

or, with a keyring for authentication :

su - was  
[was@stssc eclipse]$ ./IBMIM --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input /mnt/hgfs/hostroot/local/Doc/INSTALL/sametime9/WASv85.nd.install.xml -log /tmp/wasinstall.log -acceptLicense -showVerboseProgress -keyring /home/was/imkeyring.kyr -password passw0rd  

Verify the log files in the Installation Manager’s log directory for errors.

Install System Console

Install the Hot Fix 1 version of the Sametime System Console without installing the version 9.0 server first. The updated version of the Sametime System Console installs with the same procedure as the version 9.0 server, except that you will point to the repository provided with the Hot Fix 1 package.

Extract the System Console file (you probably already did this running the DatabaseScripts)

Generate passwords

You need to export the variable below , because we’re at a non-standard location with our installation manager.

[was@stssc generateEncodedPassword]$ export IM_INSTALL_LOCATION=/home/was/IBM/InstallationManager  
[was@stssc generateEncodedPassword]$ ./ passw0rd  

Prepare responsefile

I used to have a copy of my responsefile here (ISC.rsp), but I seem to have lost it.

Note that you can now change the name of the WAS server profiles , and that this seems to work !

The repository points to the extracted System Console files , from the Hotfix.



Install the System Console using these commands

[was@stssc opt]$ cd /home/was/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools  
[was@stssc tools]$ ./imcl -acceptLicense -showProgress -input /mnt/hgfs/hostroot/local/Doc/INSTALL/sametime9/ISC.rsp -log /tmp/isc.log

You can now login the deployment manager : http://sametimeconsole:8700/ibm/console

So far so good. This all seems to work just fine.

Installed to the /opt/IBM/SametimeServer directory.

Continue here : Configure the Sametime System Console