Configure Domino using a silent setup file

Record a response file:

su - notes
/opt/ibm/domino/bin/server -record  

Note that you can leave some values at *default - these will be swapped with whatever is default. For instance, you can use if for the hostname and servername.

When done, you have a .pds file. The annoying thing however, is that this file is not editable using a simple text editor.

Editing a response file

There is an undocumented method to modify some settings, however :

Verify what options you can change:

/opt/ibm/domino/notes/latest/linux/java -cp /opt/ibm/domino/notes/latest/linux/cfgdomserver.jar lotus.domino.setup.DominoServerProfileEdit -dump /tmp/Sametime.pds  
isFirstServer = true  
AdminFirstName = Sametime  
AdminIDFile = *default  
AdminLastName = Administrator  
AdminMiddleName =  
AdminPassword =  
CountryCode =  
DominoDomainName = stissc  
HostName = *default  
OrgUnitIDFile = null  
OrgUnitName =  
OrgUnitPassword =  
OrganizationIDFile = *default  
OrganizationName = stissc  
OrganizationPassword =  
OtherDirectoryServerAddress =  
OtherDirectoryServerName =  
ServerIDFile = *default  
ServerName = *default  
ServerPassword =  
SystemDatabasePath = null  

To edit a specific parameter in the pds file, you can use this command :
For instance, to change the DominoDomainName to “test”, you can use this command :

/opt/ibm/domino/notes/latest/linux/java -cp /opt/ibm/domino/notes/latest/linux/cfgdomserver.jar lotus.domino.setup.DominoServerProfileEdit -DominoDomainName test /tmp/Sametime.pds  

Use the -dump command to verify .


It you use existing id files, you need to use a text file with the passwords :
The file needs to contain this :


And you need to reference it to the setup command after the actual response file.

Alternatively, you could pass all of these (passwords and editable parameters) on the commandline, eg :

-AdminPassword -OrganizationPassword -ServerPassword \-HostName \`hostname\` -OrganizationName -ServerName 

Setup the Domino server

Run the setup

/opt/ibm/domino/bin/server -pb -s /tmp/Sametime.pds

If you would have existing certifiers, you’d need to use this command for the passwords :

/opt/ibm/domino/bin/server -pb -s /tmp/Sametime.pds /tmp/passwordfile.txt  

Check the logfiles to see if the installation succeeded.

Autostart Domino

There’s an excellent start script for Domino on *Nix out there. You can request it here :

If you use Linux (CentOS in this case) , you could also use Upstart start scripts as well . Check this blog for an example :