Autostart the Sametime WebSphere servers
You can use the to create the start scripts.
We did a non-root installation, so we want to start the WebSphere servers as that user. You will however need to run the as root (because it needs to create the Linux services) (or use sudo of course).
CWSFU0010I: Usage: wasservice [options]
[-start] -add -serverName -profilePath [-wasHome ]
[-userid ]
[-startArgs ]
[-stopArgs ]
-remove -stop -status
The script creates Linux style start scripts in the /etc/init.d directory, with the following format :
To do stop/start/status requests, you can run :
service _was.init stop
service _was.init start
service _was.init status
These services will be started automatically when the OS is started.
There is 1 tiny problem with the created stop script : it won’t stop the server unless the password for the (a) WebSphere Administrator is passed . There are 2 ways to do this (that I know of) :
- enter the password in the soaps.client.props file in the properties directory of the Profile
- pass the userid and password in the startscript . You can use the
in the script to pass the information in the form of-username dmgrwasadmin -password
I use the soap.client.props file :
cd /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr
cd /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr/properties/
vi soap.client.props
Edit these 2 values : OR
You can encode the password if you want :
cd /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr/bin/
./ /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr/properties/soap.client.props
This is not an encryption though, you can even find online WebSphere password “decoders” (eg. )
The upside is that you can use the same encoded password in all soap.client.props files …
In my case this means I can use in all my WebSphere Profiles these lines :{xor}Lz4sLChvLTs=
Deployment Manager and Sametime Console server
On the SSC , as root :
cd /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/bin
./ -add dmgr -serverName dmgr -profilePath /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr -wasHome /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer -userid was
./ -add nodeagent -serverName nodeagent -profilePath /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/profiles/STSSC -wasHome /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer -userid was
./ -add stconsoleserver -serverName STConsoleServer -profilePath /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/profiles/STSSC -wasHome /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer -userid was
You can start the STConsoleServer from the nodeagent (you can set the RUNNING_STATE to STARTED using the ISC), but the advantage of having a separate service for the WebSphere server is that :
- you can easily stop/start it yourself from the commandline using the service
- the system can actually stop the server correctly when shutting down.
Meeting Server
On the Meeting Server node, as root :
cd /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/bin
./ -add nam -serverName nodeagent -profilePath /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/profiles/stmeetingSTMPNProfile1/ -wasHome /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer -userid was
./ -add stmeetingserver -serverName STMeetingServer -profilePath /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/profiles/stmeetingSTMPNProfile1/ -wasHome /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer -userid was
Note that in the soap.client.props
, there already is a value for the
and loginPassword
, but those are the original values from the installation and these won’t work anyway. So replace it with the values that you also use in the Deployment manager.
Proxy Server
On the Proxy Server node, as root :
cd /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/bin
./ -add nap -serverName nodeagent -profilePath /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/profiles/stmeetingSTPPNProfile1 -wasHome /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer -userid was
./ -add stproxyserver -serverName STProxyServer -profilePath /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer/profiles/stmeetingSTPPNProfile1 -wasHome /opt/IBM/WAS/AppServer -userid was
Note that in the soap.client.props
, there already is a value for the
and loginPassword
, but those are the original values from the installation and these won’t work anyway. So replace it with the values that you also use in the Deployment manager.